
en-GB Default locale
- Fallback locales


Defined 102

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en-GB messages 1 general.skipToContentLink Skip to main content
en-GB messages 1 general.noscriptNotice To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser.
en-GB messages 1 staw.topbar.teasertext Versandkostenfrei ab 500€ Bestellwert
en-GB messages 2 header.searchPlaceholder Enter search term...
en-GB messages 1 header.searchButton Search
en-GB messages 2 header.logoLink Go to homepage
en-GB messages 1 staw.navigation.firstlink /produkte/
en-GB messages 3 staw.navigation.firsttext Christmas
en-GB messages 1 staw.navigation.secondlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.navigation.secondtext Pflanzenbilder
en-GB messages 1 staw.navigation.thirdlink /Raeume/
en-GB messages 3 staw.navigation.thridtext Inspiration
en-GB messages 1 staw.navigation.fifthlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.navigation.fifthtext Kontakt
en-GB messages 2 checkout.cartTitle Shopping cart
en-GB messages 3 account.myAccount Your account
en-GB messages 2 general.offcanvasCloseMenu Close menu
en-GB messages 2 account.loginSubmit Log in
en-GB messages 1 account.orRegister or
en-GB messages 2 account.orRegisterLink Sign up
en-GB messages 2 account.overviewLink Overview
en-GB messages 2 account.profileLink Your profile
en-GB messages 2 account.addressLink Addresses
en-GB messages 2 account.paymentLink Payment methods
en-GB messages 2 account.ordersLink Orders
en-GB messages 1 general.menuLink Menu
en-GB messages 1 contact.headline Contact
en-GB messages 1 general.requiredFields Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required.
en-GB messages 1 general.privacyTitle Privacy
en-GB messages 1 general.required *
en-GB messages 1 contact.privacyNoticeText By selecting continue you confirm that you have read and agree to our <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/0189e3c3944373219c85713cbdad33ac" data-prev-url="" href="/en/widgets/cms/0189e3c3944373219c85713cbdad33ac" title="Data protection information">data protection information</a>.
en-GB messages 1 staw.newsletter.text <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">Newsletter abonnieren und <b>10 €</b> Rabatt sichern!</a>
en-GB messages 1 staw.newsletter.buttonlink /
en-GB messages 1 staw.newsletter.buttontext zum Newsletter
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.service.headline Our Service
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.service.firstlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.service.firsttext Hand gemacht
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.service.secondlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.service.secondtext Schnelle Lieferung
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.service.thirdlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.service.thirdtext Persönliche Beratung
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.service.fourthlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.service.fourthtext Konfigurator
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.headline Fragen
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.number +49 8102 984962-0
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.questions.kontakttext Kontakt
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.sociallink1 /
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.questions.sociallink1text Facebook
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.sociallink1icon
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.sociallink2 /
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.questions.sociallink2text Instagram
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.sociallink2icon
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.sociallink3 /
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.questions.sociallink3text Pinterest
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.sociallink3icon
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.payment.logo
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logotext Stylegreen
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.headline Sicher Bezahlen
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logo1
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.payment.logo1text PayPal
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logo2
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.payment.logo2text Amazon Pay
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logo3
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.payment.logo3text Kreditkarte
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logo4
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.payment.logo4text Visa
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logo5
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.payment.logo5text Vorauskasse
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.payment.logo6
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.payment.logo6text Sofort
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.shipping.headline Sicherer Versand
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.shipping.logo1
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.shipping.logo1text DHL
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.shipping.logo2
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.shipping.logo2text DPD
en-GB messages 2 staw.footer.shipping.logo3
en-GB messages 4 staw.footer.shipping.logo3text UPS Versand Stylegreen
en-GB messages 1 Unternehmen
en-GB messages 1 /
en-GB messages 3 Karriere
en-GB messages 1
en-GB messages 3 Presse
en-GB messages 1 /
en-GB messages 3 Katalog
en-GB messages 1 /
en-GB messages 3 Händler werden
en-GB messages 1 Informationen
en-GB messages 1 /
en-GB messages 3 FAQ
en-GB messages 1 /
en-GB messages 3 AGB
en-GB messages 1 /
en-GB messages 3 Zahlung &amp; Versand
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.lower.imprintlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.lower.imprinttext Impressum
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.lower.datenschutzlink /
en-GB messages 3 staw.footer.lower.datenschutztext Datenschutz
en-GB messages 1 cookie.messageText This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. <a data-ajax-modal="true" data-url="/en/widgets/cms/0189e3c3944373219c85713cbdad33ac" href="/en/widgets/cms/0189e3c3944373219c85713cbdad33ac" title="More information">More information...</a>
en-GB messages 1 cookie.deny Only technically required
en-GB messages 1 cookie.configure Configure
en-GB messages 1 cookie.acceptAll Accept all cookies
en-GB messages 1 general.back Back

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 2

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en-GB messages 1 Jetzt abschicken Jetzt abschicken
en-GB messages 1 staw.footer.questions.kontaktlink staw.footer.questions.kontaktlink